Robot Picnic

After the wonderful and inspiring Bot Summit last weekend and Art of Bots this weekend, it feels like there's a critical mass of botmakers and associated folks in London. So: we should start meeting up in person every once in a while, rather than just talking on the Internet.

To that end, I propose the first Robot Picnic, to happen from 3pm on Sunday the 8th of May, in Victoria Park (near the West Boating Lake, about here). Bring food and/or drink if you want to eat and/or drink it. And if it's raining or otherwise awful we'll go the People's Park Tavern instead.

This event is open to everyone interested in the use of computers for artistic purposes, no matter the level of interest, skill or accomplishment.

For more details or if you've got any questions, on the day or otherwise, you can reach me on Twitter @v21 or on the phone at +447962403825.

17 April 2016