A Giant Wall Of Dice
Another game made at the recent Tigjam. Some footage of it is available here:
The rules:
- Make a wall of dice. Stack them overlapping like bricks. Make the top layer a different colour.
- Each player gets yet another colour of dice. And a spoon.
- First round!
- Try to insert your dice into the wall. You're only allowed to touch the dice with your spoon, and you're only allowed to touch the spoon with a single finger.
- The round ends when all the top, differently coloured dice are touching the table.
- Rebuilding phase!
- Any dice touching the table with nothing on top (that is from the wall originally) are piled up on top of other dice. You can score points this way. Take it in turns to place a dice.
- Repeat first round!
It's pretty simple and stupid to play. But it's maybe a bit unstructured. Appropriate dice can be found on Witzigs.
Let me know if you play it!
09 August 2012